Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Project 1 Reflection

  1. Why did you select that (main) concept?
I selected the main concept of Standard Work because I have used it in my context, specifically at Intel. When I was involved in standard work, I had difficulty explaining the purpose to employees. There was sometimes an attitude of dissent and apathy towards training and why we were changing things AGAIN. If I had explained the concept of Standard Work and listed the benefits, the employees would have been more apt to be on board.
  1. What's the rationale for your design?
The rationale for the design is simple, straightforward and clean. Standard Work isn't meant to be spiffy or fun, ,it's strictly operational and very clear-cut. I felt the design of the document was suitable for the concept of Standard Work. Also, the design was proposed in an outline by the instructor - had there been no outline, I'm not sure I would have been able to successfully complete the document as the instructions were vague.
  1. What challenges did you face during the design process?
The main challenge I faced during the design process was making the outline my own and tailoring it to fit into standard work. I understand I needed to be more specific, but I wanted this to be very broad and applicable to other industries, as many would benefit from a standard work approach. 
  1. What changes did you feel like you need to make after receiving feedback? Why?
I think I needed to add more examples, improve clarity, and eliminate some of the outline template text and re-word it on my own. The reason behind this was because I wanted to implement changes into the document that I wasn't sure how to produce in the first place, and then after feedback, was still confused. In all, I spent a lot of time on the design document and I hope it meets criteria. 

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