Friday, December 9, 2016

Project 2 Reflection

Our group project was a procedure learning of the ABCD model on writing objectives. Collectively, we planned the assignment with a Google Doc, created a Google Slides presentation, and also finalized a design document which detailed the instruction in depth. I truly enjoyed the project from start to finish, and I wish there were more assignments like these in other EDIT classes. In fact, I am due to graduate next semester, and I only have one more class to take, which is EDIT 5395, and I’m sad to say I’ve only experienced synchronous communication in one other class, and only for one brief project. What I liked about this project, was how it built on itself, and was all-semester-long, which gave us the opportunity to get to know each other and ease into how to effectively work with one another.
I think because this assignment was interesting to me, and I love working with others, my performance was pretty solid. I liken myself to the team cheerleader! As an individual, I experienced certain trials, mainly because I am a farmer and only have 15GB of internet per month. I wasn’t used to so much synchronous, independent communication, and there were times when I didn’t see an update or announcement, or an email, and that caused some delay on my part. For example, I had no idea there was a group check-in. I looked at the week’s module, but I missed the announcement… If I could suggest one thing to the professor, it would be to cover all bases of communication when there is a check-in or meeting, this includes not only posting in announcements, but including it in the week’s module, and emailing as well. I totally understand it is our responsibility to keep on top of our course work, but when you work full time, and are taking a full course load, and are a farmer who lives in the woods (and sometimes under a rock), you miss things! I wish I had been present for all of the check-ins, because I very much enjoyed working with Megan and Cynthia and Dr. Shin, and I wanted to give it my all and really be there for the team.
Working with other professionals was wonderful. I believe we each had our own strengths that we brought to the project, which made it really special. Megan is probably the smartest person I’ve ever worked with, though at times, I felt she took on too much, and so I tried to match her effort, and this diminished Cynthia’s contributions. Cynthia was very responsive via email, but delayed in completing the assignments, which I think caused some stress. I can’t put either group member down, because I think we worked very well together as a team.

Overall, I absolutely loved this course and this group project, and I would recommend it to anyone enrolled in the EDIT program! I learned so much in this course, and throughout this project. Remember, I sucked at writing objectives because I thought I had them down, pat? Well, now I am an expert! I will retain this information and use it professionally throughout my career. How many people can say that after completing one single group project? I can’t say enough how valuable of an experience this has been. If I ever design an online course, I guarantee I will borrow some ideas from EDIT 5317! Thanks for a great semester, and for all your consistent, constructive feedback. It really means a lot when an instructor takes the time to write thoughtful comments, that really help guide us in the learning process. 

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